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1901 · Laptop Core i550U RAM 8GB DDRMhz Mobo HP 256 SSD M2 NVMe Benchmark Inter CPU Benchmark Intel vs Intel Cinebench R151805 · Intel Core iK is a quadcore desktop processor, operating at 33 GHz When necessary, Turbo feature can increase frequency higher, up to 37 GHz The Intel iK has 6MB L3 cache, and it fits into 95 Watt thermal envelope More details about this CPU you can find on the iK specs pageWell, the processor takes centrestage, allowing us to compare CPU

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Core i5 2500k benchmark

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High Roller Soar 550 feet above the center of the Las Vegas Strip on the world's tallest observation wheel Get ready to be wowed when you take a spin 550 feet above the Strip With sweeping 360degree views, the wheel takes 30 minutes to complete one revolution and features 28 spacious cabins to accommodate guestsMeasuring 5 feet in diameter, the High Roller eclipses both the London Eye and Singapore Flyer Facing north and south parallel to Las Vegas Boulevard, the wheel takes 30 minutes to complete one full revolution and features 28 glassenclosed cabins with broad views of Las Vegas and the Strip Each spherical cabin can hold up to 40 peopleThe High Roller legendary shotgun simple to use, with option to autorefill the magazine First perk is very simple, after you kill an enemy all next shots would be critical hit Considering its shotgun it would not be that impressive, but its 2nd more where if you are under 30% of the magazine you can simply roll to refill your magazine fully

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